Terrace Whiskey
Jack Archers

The TWJA Club
Central to our efforts to facilitate the growth of archery and shooting sports in general is our new $54 000 outdoor facility next to the Rod and Gun Club in Thornhill.
It was built with grants, donations, membership fees and tremendous volunteer effort.
The facility is able to accommodate 80 archers simultaneously and subsequently enable us to hold full-fledged competitions in marginal weather.
The kitchen is useful to keep our members hydrated and fed especially in inclement weather.
It is wheelchair accessible to accommodate our disabled members and participants in competitions. It is an ideal venue for families including low-income families to spend time together in an interesting outdoors recreational environment.
Flatfield 3-D competitions are planned for the summer and it will also be base of operations for the JOP (Junior Olympic Program) in the outdoor season.
Our indoor venue is in the Thornhill Junior Secondary school gym on highway 16.
The indoor season starts the beginning of November and finishes the end of April.
It's a fantastic space from an archery perspective with distances up to 35 metres, washrooms and ample spectator seating. An archery kiosk on-site caters to equipment needs.
The highlight of the year is the annual Whiskey-Jack 3-D in May, held at the community grounds . Close to 200 archers and their families camp and shoot 3 rounds of 35 targets each over 2 days and the pig spit roast has generated quite a following !
An indoor competition in February breaks up the winter doldrums. For dates and more information keep an eye on the EVENTS menu tab.
We have an active Facebook page. Please do a "friend request" to be added to the group to be kept informed of events and developments.

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The Junior Olympic Program( JOP)
The British Columbia Archery Association (BCAA) has recognized the need for a developmental program for junior archers. The main purpose of the program is to encourage maximum participation in the sport.
If the program is followed step by step, all participants should be able to develop their abilities to the maximum and at the same time, enjoy the oldest of sports. Long term training will encourage the pursuit of excellence with the possibility of JOP archers reaching international and Olympic standards as they progress.
First and foremost, the emphasis is on SAFETY. To maintain safety responsible adult supervision is on hand at all times during the shooting.
TWJA acts in a supporting capacity to the program. It's importatnt to note that joining the JOP program and the consequent membership obligations to the BCCA is outside the mandate of TWJA.